Hey, Storyteller!

Do you want to create a powerful story that moves readers and keeps them turning pages?

Watch my FREE VIDEO WORKSHOP. Learn the 6 elements every story needs, so you can ensure that readers will experience the characters' journey with maximum emotional impact.

More FREE Resources

Download these PDFs to make your story powerful, polished, and publishable.

The R.E.A.L. Method to Creating Unforgettable Characters

3-dimensional characters keep readers turning pages. Bring all of yours to life in 4 easy steps, without writing boring character biographies.

The Ultimate Guide to Dialogue Puncturation

Clear. compelling dialogue is essential to reader engagement. Take the guesswork out of formatting yours with this easy-to-follow guide.

30+ Filter Words to Avoid in Your Story

Filter words create distance between readers and your characters' experiences. Download this list and keep your story powerful!

Make Your Story Powerful!

Watch my FREE 25-minute video workshop to learn the 6 elements every story needs so readers will experience the characters' journey with maximum emotional impact.

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