A Publishable Story is a Polished Story

"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." —Mark Twain

Patch Plot Holes

Are parts of your story failing to flow well? Do sections of your nonfiction book feel disjointed? A developmental edit can address these and other big-picture issues.

Polish Your Prose

Are contradictiory grammar guidelines, a plethora of punctuation rules, and too many typos bogging you down? Do you struggle to find that one right word? A copy edit will solve that for you!

Perfect Your Craft

A good edit involves far more than correcting errors or figuring out why your story isn't working. With a substantive edit, you'll also learn advanced writing skills and improve your craft.

...and Power Up Your Story!

Throughout the industry, one label may be used to describe several different editing types. For instance, what one editer calls a copy edit, another may label a line edit or substantive edit. So, please read each category carefully to determine which best fits your needs.

Editing that instructs: the Unique B Squared approach

We'll ignite the power of your words…and, through comments and tips, increase your writing skills at the same time. Your editor is also a story coach, after all!

Developmental Edit

The editor will work directly with you to develop your book’s structure, plot, character arcs, and/or overall direction. Together, we will identify and fill holes in plot (fiction) or content structure (nonfiction); identify what isn't working and why; pinpoint inconsistencies or issues in character development, and/or overcome problems in moving the book from one point to the next in a plot or nonfiction outline.

The editor will read the manuscript in its entirety, start again at the beginning to note any issues, then compose an editorial letter detailing all findings. Consultations are available to discuss and further clarify the editor's findings.

To schedule a consultation, see our Writer Coaching Services page or email your editor.

Fee: $45 per hour

Substantive Edit

The substantive edit is sometimes called a content edit, line edit, or craft edit. The editor analyzes the manuscript at the chapter, section/scene, paragraph, and line levels.

Revisions and suggestions may address:

  • scene structure,
  • showing vs. telling
  • dialogue
  • point of view
  • overall plot and character development
  • ways to make the writing style clearer and more compelling

For book-length works, the editor will also complete a style sheet.

Edits are displayed using the Track Changes feature in Microsoft Word. Suggestions and questions are also noted in the Comments section within the manuscript's margins


Standard Service: **Client Favorite** includes 2 substantive editing rounds plus an additional round of copy editing of the finished product.

  • Fee: 4-6 cents per wordshowing vs. telling
  • Clients love having the chance to make sure their revisions are working. The extra editorial passes also give them more chances to ask questions.
  • *NOTE: Most editors charge similar fees for a single editorial pass.

A la Carte Service: includes one substantive round. (copy editing sold separately)

  • Fee: 2-3 cents per word
Copy Edit

The copy edit is one of the final stages of manuscript preparation. It should be performed only after all content revisions have been made and a thorough substantive edit has been completed.

The editor will make corrections to the following:

  • spelling
  • grammar
  • usage
  • typos
  • continuity errors
  • minor formatting glitches and other small issues

Edits are displayed using Track Changes in Microsoft Word. Some Suggestions or questions may be noted in the Comments section within the manuscript's margins.

Fee: 1-2 cents per word

Frequently Asked Questions

What payment options do you offer?

For shorter projects: payment is expected up-front.

For book-length and other long works: an installment plan or chapter-by-chapter arrangement can be made.

*NOTE: For all project types, work will begin when initial installment or full payment is received and processed.

What types of projects do you edit?

Fiction: novels, novellas, short stories, flash fiction

Nonfiction: narrative nonfiction (memoir, biography, autobiography), how-to, self-help, "big idea" books, Christian living (how-to, devotionals, educational, Bible study, etc.), blog posts or devotionals (conversational & narrative style).

Author Materials (copy edit only): book descriptions (for back cover & sales pages), front and back matter for books, proposal materials (query letter, synopsis, etc.)

How does your editing process work?

Beyond simply correcting errors and inconsistencies, a B Squared edit teaches you how to make those corrections in your subsequent projects.

During a substantive edit, the first few times a significant error in word usage or writing craft occurs, the editor will flag it with a comment that includes identification of the error, a brief explanation of the issue and how to correct it, and a sample rewrite (or several options in instances that can have more than one solution). Additional occurrences of the same error will be flagged with the error name and suggestions for correction. (Instruction will also be provided for significant, recurring issues with grammar or punctuation.)

During a copy edit, your editor will make corrections to grammar, punctuation, and spelling (displayed using the Track Changes feature). The Comments section will contain any questions to clarify ambiguous meaning or odd word usage.

Instructional flyers on various grammar and craft issues will be included with a substantive or developmental edit where applicable.

Is there anything you don't edit?

While we do edit many types of nonfiction, we do not specialize in the following

  • Term papers or resumés
  • Technical or medical writing
  • textbooks or other nonfiction works with extensive references or source citing (including lengthy bibleographies, indexes, glossaries, etc.)

B Squared Writer Coaching does not accept works that contain the following:

  • Excessive profanity
  • gratuitous amounts of gore
  • explicit erotic content

Are you eady to make your story powerful, polished, and publishable? I am!

Wondering whether my editing style or services are a good fit for you and your project?

I will edit a small portion of your book or story (up to 750 words) at no charge. This will show you how the process works and the types of suggestions and revisions I make. It will also enable me to recommend the level of editing that best fits your story's needs.

© 2023 B Squared Writer Coaching