Are you ready to ditch the dialogue confusion?

Take the Guesswork out of Formatting Dialogue

Clear, compelling dialogue is essential for reader engagement, but grammar rules can be confusing and even contradictory. Eliminate the overwhelm today!

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Everything you need in order to structure dialogue correctly—all in one place, in easy-to-follow steps, with examples.

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Demystify the rules for formatting:


Clearly show who is speaking, how they say it, and what they're doing while talking.

Direct Address

Make sure your characters are calling each other names the right way.

Broken Speech

Convey strong character emotion through dialogue interruptions, trailing or paused speech, or stammering.

Character Thoughts

Reveal what's going on inside your character's head through direct thoughts or free indirect style.

Grab readers from the very first word.

Your characters' spoken words and how they say them are crucial to connecting readers with your story and moving the plot forward. But if dialogue isn't punctuated correctly, it can cause confusion.

Eliminate the Overwhealm

Skip the contradictory information from search results. Don't waste time combing through grammar texts or writing craft books for that one rule you need right now. The Ultimate Guide to Dialogue Punctuation is packed with examples, makes the rules of dialogue grammar and punctuation easy to understand, and is organized into sections so you can find what you need when you need it.