Writing may be a solitary process, but you are NOT alone in it!

Do any of the following apply to you?

  • I'm wondering whether I would benefit from coaching to improve my writing craft.
  • I know my writing needs work, but I'm not sure where to begin.
  • All the rules I've heard and books on writing craft are overwhelming. I just need someone to tell me what I should work on.
  • I'm stuck in a particular part of my story development or writing process, and I need help moving forward.
  • I'm having trouble mastering a specific grammar, writing craft, or storytelling issue.
  • I've received negative reviews on published works or painful feedback from critique partners, and I'm not sure why (or what to do next).

If you answered "yes" to any of the items above, schedule a FREE story consultation!

Free Story Consultation

Let's work together to make your story powerful, polished, and publishable!

As a bonus, you'll also receive writing tips & training via email. (Unsubscribe at any time.)

© 2023 B Squared Writer Coaching